Puting the rings

Here you have the explanations of how the rings are put in the legs of the canaries, with photos, text, and video!.

The canary is identified with a ring when it is 7 or 8 days old, although the age will vary based on theirs mother ability of feeding and on the type of food that is provided to them.

The ring will allow the exact identification of the bird, as well as the year of its birth.



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1. The three front fingers are introduced simultaneously in the ring. Wetting them with a small amount of saliva will help to keep them together, in addition it will facilitate the pass through the ring.

2. As soon as the nail of the middle finger appears at the other side of the ring is necessary to hold it and to throw so that the three nails of the fingers appear. Hold the ring with the same hand with which the bird is taken, to move it towards.
3. After the operation described in point 2, the ring will be in this position. Take the three fingers and move the ring to pass the intersection of the fingers. 4. This photo shows that the intersection of the fingers has been already surpassed. Now it is necessary to take the ring until the "elbow" of the leg, to be able to throw of the back finger and releasing it carefully of the ring.