Influence of the months of voladero in the song of the canary
The Canary of Spanish Song

Miguel Angel Martín Espada
Judge C.N.J./F.O.C.D.E. of Song T. Espa6nol

The subject that we are going to treat has been neglected by most of the canaricultores. The conviction of which the control of the canaries noveles must begin when these are in the cage of aid is the key to understand the failure of great part of the fans, whom they blame to his units of not having the sufficient quality. It is more than demonstrated the fact that the criadores are the guilty of most of the circumstances that take to the degeneration of a line of canaries of high selection, the explanation is simple, the quality of the birds is, frequently, very over the knowledge of its criadores.

All canaricultor that boasts of being it must have basic and essential knowledge on the race that cultivates or wishes to cultivate. These knowledge are not due to limit so single to know how to raise and to prepare unit for the aids, the fan must perfectly know the Code Song to know how to differentiate each one from the turns that the canary executes, to know what motivates the song and how takes place, the influence of the phenotype (1) and the medio.ambiente (2), to know how to make the crossings having in account the laws of the Genetics and, mainly, to know what it is wanted. We must draw up a goal to us, to create our own line of song a line that will be based in that it stops we it is our ideal song and that will be obtained with years of work and selection of those units that they approach more by its repertoire that ideal line to that we want to arrive.

Those basic and essential knowledge are acquired by means of the experience and of the advice of judges and experienced canaricultores more, than without a doubt some they will accede tasteful to teach to us what they know. The advice are the source of intelligence of the new criadores and will depend on the qualification of the advisor who the nascent one has greater or smaller success in his first years of young. Nor that to say has the nascent one must begin its walking in the sport young acquiring the units of greater quality than it can find and always accompanied of his corresponding official list procuring itself that the unit has at least eighty and seven points and lacks any possible defect (3).

What next we are going to treat goes directed to criadores already experienced, criadores that know perfectly song of our National Race and that in addition applies knowledge of the Genetics at the time of processing its crossings.

The pursuit of pichones in the voladero must become by that they have the concepts on the very clear song of the canary, otherwise can be reached precipitated conclusions, erroneous, that they ruin all the efforts dedicated in the raising. What we try is to go beyond detecting defects in the voladero that can be listened a priori such like estridentes or rozantes notes excessively that break natural the rythmical form of the review of our young tenors we try to get to decipher the directives of whom soon it will be the song already closed and defined of the adult canary, to intuit if they are going to prioritize notes of continuous rate (timbres) or it notes of discontinuous rate, the voices and the tone, to find the defects that no they are listened to not being estridentes, but that can cause that everything a voladero spoils by not knowing how to detect on time to the unit that began to give it. Really, it is to try to advance us to the canary in his evolution, is not possible know how what notes will give and how it will give them, due to the changes that take place in the review of our units, but to get to know if the canary is going to have a predisposition to do a certain type of notes or others and to follow the evolution that takes it to make a barulloso and indefinite review to make the beautiful and harmonious song of the adult canary.

The work begins once we have finished the time of raising. The young people will not have listened their once separated ancestors of their mothers and located in the prevoladero so that they are becomeed aclimated to I think hard (canary seed). Otherwise they would copy of that canary that more sang when doing its nuptial shutdown and we could verify like the chickens, as of both months of age would imitate the song of that ardent reproducer, that although would generally lose it during the dumb one, would suppose a delay for them. Once separated last pichones we will prepare the place that we are going to dedicate to place our voladeros. The room or space (4) will have to reunite certain characteristics:

  • In the first place, the room will have a good ventilation and a constant light during the diurnal hours, a light not very intense that will sink to pichones in a semipenumbra, of this form will have a light sufficient to eat and to review without they go ahead too much, as well as so that they cannot be distracted when reviewing (5).
  • Secondly, it must be a room quiet at that strong sounds do not arrive excessively and in that, mainly, the songs of other canaries - own or other peoplis, or the degenerated song of some adult canary are not heard -. He will be advisable to equip to the room with a musical thread or, at least, one radio connected to a timer that makes it work since it leaves the sun until it is put. The radio will tune a music transmitter preferredly and if it is of classic music mejor(6). The radio will avoid that pichones listens to external sounds and will make possible that the chickens of each voladero remove their own song without copying of the units of other voladeros, of review more hard or more advanced.
  • Thirdly, we will have so many voladeros since crossings we have done (7). The important thing is not as much the size of the voladeros because the chickens are distributed by brothers of father and mother. The units of each crossing must sing of different form, to place all the chickens in a same voladero supposes that either they copy all of first that begin to sing [ reviewing ], or to each other remove songs so different that when wanting to copy of others they spoil or they remove an indetermine song. Most normal it is than all sing equal, when copying of the unit or unit more adelantado/s, for or or badly, exceptionally can happen independently that some canaries remove their own song, of the one of their companions of voladero. When we are with chickens, that by his reduced number it is not worth the trouble to have them single, we include them in the voladero of stepbrothers (of father or mother) that as much by phenotype as by line of song is similar (8). The radio will avoid that they copy between the different voladeros and will cause that each section follows the evolution natural agreed with its genotype and phenotype (9).

In spite of it not to have mentioned between the mentioned characteristics, one occurs by known that the room must have a constant temperature, or at least frees of the habitual ascents and slopes of temperature, that can be cause of different pathological states highly detrimental for the song of the chickens.

Once described the ideal room we must even speak of a so important element or more. Without a doubt some will have guessed that is the feeding of pichones. The feeding of the song canaries must be balanced, is necessary to have much well-taken care of nevertheless, since the mixture that is used normally for the common canaries and due to their composition, causes that the development hurries, which does not interest as well to the criador and, it can create obesity states totally pernicious for all the apparatus of phonation of the canary, when accumulating fats that alter the good operation of the muscles that do possible the song. The feeding that usually occurs to the canaries of song it is composed by two types of seeds. The seeds they are the canary seed, like basic element of the feeding of the canaries, and the nabina, as stimulating seed of the song that exerts, as well, a positive influence on the phonation apparatus when favoring the expansion of the same one, with which it is smoothed song of the canary. The most habitual proportion is of > of canary seed and < of nabina, on this proportion each criador accommodates it pleasure to its. Aside from the mixture of seeds some criadores enrich it giving to its birds apple or other fruits (10).

Also it is necessary to try to have the voladeros clean and to have the comederos and water throughs of the same form, the water will have every day to be changed and the washed and disinfected water throughs. This, I create, unnecessary observation, I do since the negligence of the previous thing could be settled with the appearance of infections in the canaries, which will affect the song. A last warning in this sense is to avoid the dirty seeds, that is to say, with polvillo; polvillo little penetrates in the respiratory apparatus of the canaries causing desirable effects.

Once chicken accustoms to seeds and begins to leave of side sponge cake, timid stammering that began when as soon as it had the four weeks of age, begins to be with greater clarity and is easy to find to the male young people competing between himself. The review wins in height, but still it will be necessary to hope several months to find out how it is going to be the song of our units, although as of both months of age the evolution of the review seems to accelerate itself and they are created to listen to notes that the canary is going to give when it closes his evolutionary cycle, the dumb one will cause that the evolution stops until pichones finishes their first change of pen.

In effect, he is frequent to think that certain variations of the review of the chickens, like cloqueos assumptions and supposed waters are already definitive, but also he is frequent to forget that the canary, at least, to the six months does not reach the sufficient maturity that it allows him to clarify some notes and to begin to show to us as is going to be its voice (11). Like the human being, the canary also changes his voice and it must to the same reason, the sexual evolution of the canary young people. The review is that, a review the canary emits sounds conditional by its instincts that as they spend the months they are clarified and showing what will be, permmtanme the expression, its calling card, what it is going it to differentiate from the other canaries. Two canaries will be able to review or to sing of the same form, taking care of the turns that do, but never they will have the same timbre of voice, can sing a same score but not interpret it, execute it, of equal way.

The canary in its review takes very instinctively as reference the inherited song of its ancestors, it does not mean that it is going to sing according to the contributed thing by these, the final song of the canary will be the result of the conjunction of external factors, phenotype and song (12).


1 Phenotype as soon as physical appearance or morphologic characters (more well-known like morphologic type .

2 the phenotype is equal to the result of the influence on the genotype of the environmental factors, I consider opportune to clarify that we analyzed the song separately, weighing to comprise of the perceivable characters by the senses that constitute the phenotype. When we talk about phenotype of a song canary we do it in the sense referred in note 2, for that reason we speak of the influence of the medio.ambiente on the song (genetic or innate predisposition inherited of its ancestors by the canary to shape in one melodma an indetermine but determineable series of turns).

3 Defect as much in the song, that it will be written down or it penalized, depending on its gravity, in the judgment list, as defect or tares physics.

4 Each criador must adapt to the site which it has.

5 Taken care of with the light since there is lines of song that stops to be developed suitably require of greater amount of the same one that others. Fruit of defective light is exemplary of poor intensity in their song and inclined to gangosos and nasal turns

6 the reason to refer us to classic music is the personal consideration, without contempt of other types of music, of which, generally, it is adapted to create the suitable atmosphere in which to carry out the development of the song of our canaries.

7 Once again it is possible to remember to the reader the importance of adapting to the space which it has at the time of planning the young.

8 Grapevine Notes 2 and 3.

9 the radio helps to the attainment of different songs in each department, but the main reason for the diversity of songs is in the separation by brothers in different voladeros. / / Grapevine notices 2 in the referring thing to the phenotype.

10 During the dumb one it is advisable to provide young paste to them to favor a good one emplume, outside this period once can give to it to the week.

11 Hay different types from review, in attention to the greater or smaller clarity than presents/displays for the human ear, as far as number of possible identifiable turns to shape the future in song. There are reviews that present/display a high degree of clearness and other that is impossible to try to decipher, as well as intermediate assumptions. In principle, when in a review they are possible to be identified most of the turns with clearness, it is because the units have copied of some adult canary. In this sense, are chickens that have demonstrated to have a retention capacity truely amazing of the songs of reproductive males, heard single during the young.

12 Hablamos here of song like the assembly of inherited genes that determine it and phenotype in the sense of morphologic type. Tingase presents/displays the equation mentioned in the note 3 and that the song, itself, comprises of the phenotype in strict sense: Phenotype = Environmental Genotype + Influencia

© Miguel Angel Martín Espada