origin of the denomination Timbrado in the canary of the Country

Miguel Martmn Angel Sword
Judge C.N.J./F.O.C.D.E. of Song T. Espa6nol

" Timbrado Dmcese of the voice that has an pleasant timbre ".

" It stamps Way own and characteristic of sounding to a musical instrument or the voice of a person ".

(extracted Definitions of the Dictionary of the Real Spanish Academy)

Lately it has recovered already forces the old controversy on the origin of the Timbrado term The certain thing is that it is not a subject that has never worried to me in excess, because independently of how it is wanted to call to our canary (memory to the reader who, at the moment, in F.o.c.d.e. the denominations canary of Spanish Song are used indifferently and Timbrado the important thing it is the song and in this one, although it is not to the the liking of all, prioritize the turns of noncontinuous rate, being discontinuous those that better characterize and define the songs of our singer with respect to other canoras races. I have defended and always I will defend that it is in the work of improvement of the race in that we must center our efforts, forgetting to us secondary subjects that single they take to cloud the pacific coexistence between the fans who, although based on the mutual respect, maintain positions different; but it does not mean to resign to think and to try to contribute to find the truth.

In this sense and depending on the type of turns that each criador prefers, the origin of the Timbrado denomination usually is explained on the basis of different foundations. For, the origin is in which the timbres are the fundamental turns of the song of the race. For others, it makes reference to the peculiarity of the timbre of voice of our canaries, characterized by his special ability to interpret turns of beautiful metallic loudness.

Both theories are used as if they were opposed, when the reality is well different. The ambiguity of the stamped way was used, at its moment, to try to content to the greater possible number of fans, but, by the form in which it prevailed soon it derived in an authentic pitched battle between that they defended the stamped ones caused by the A.c.e. and those that maintained that those were not, neither by the name nor by the song, genuine representatives of longed for the old race of the Country (whose more famous exponents, it seems to be, were the canaries of Vich . The controversy acquired unimaginable proportions, mainly, after becoming the news that public in Asturias canaries whose song was identified, by insignes grew up personages of the national canaricultura that knew it, like the one of that winged canora wonder that was believed lost for always. In effect, it was Antonio Drove Aza that, in 1952 identified the type of song of units which it listened in Avilis like the same one which it characterized to canary yearned for his of Vich

Beyond the controversy, it is precise to make a retrospective vision and to study the question of an objective form. For it we must go to the testimonies written that have left the protagonists us of the selection of the race. Everything what does not suppose to make a study historical of the subject does not let be more than pure speculation and what less needs the canary Spanish Song is, indeed, that

The purpose of these lines is neither to criticize nor to defend the Timbrado name of or I have made clear that for me it is a secondary subject. But, in honor to the truth, I believe that it is the moment for clarifying certain aspects, or, rather, to present/display, although it is of brief and concise form, a series of facts to the fan so that is this one the one that reflects and reaches its own conclusions, with cause knowledge and not because it says somebody to it that, possibly, it has, still, less idea than on this subject.

Before entering matter and to be locating to the reader, there am the primitive list of the Spanish Timbrado one here that that it was made under the direction of Alexander Garrido and that began to be used in 1950:

  2. Acute timbre...........................,3 points
    Normal timbre...........................,6 points
    Serious timbre...........................,,9 points

  4. Chau Chau..............................,,3 points
    Piau Piau...................................3 points
    Cloqueos.................................,,9 points
    Cascabeleo..............................,,9 points
    Castanets...............................9 points

  6. Calls.................................,,3 points
    Slow notes (Floreos and Notas with Echo) 9 points

Printing general..............................,,9 points
Tone of song.................................... 6 points


Note prolongation....................6 points
Breathlessness or rascada........................,,6 points
Estridencia.................................,6 points

Of articles of the time it is extracted clearly that the Timbrado denomination of was adopted by two reasons:

1:) Because the timbres were considered as basic turns of until then denominated song of the Country

2:) By the transmission of the song in high and metallic tonalities.

The main problem was provoked by the form in which the denomination Timbrado Spanish by the A.c.e was adopted without considering the opinion of an important sector of the criadores of the other interested part, the National Group of Birds, the Union of Cattle ranch In the same one were prestigious canaricultores and judges, who as much showed their disagreement by the new denomination as by the fact that the advice disregarded themselves those who had known the greatness of the old canary of the Country and tried to avoid that a type of song very different from was restored which did and respected the Spanish canaries of song famous; since the song that was considered basic by the criadores of the A.c.e. it was, in opinion of those, the product of the mistificacisn produced by unfortunate crossings with varieties foreigners (among them the Roller canary she does not agree to forget that one of the causes of which was not recognized the Spanish Timbrado one in 1956 internationally it was, indeed, to consider the experts international that was the product, nonpolished, of crossings with the race German).

Thus, we found opinions like those of J. S. Rico Nz6nez and S. the Ruizes who defended that the old denomination stayed: canary of the Country For Rico " the Timbrado denomination of Spanish is not new, is a German refrito that not even is original " opposition of Ruiz was based on which, if stamped it came of timbres, the denomination was incorrect because these turns were common and equal in all the races and, consequently, they could not to be considered as distinctive and characteristic of the song of the canary of the Country

More duro was Antonio Drove that, although resident in Madrid, was natural of Vich one of the populations where, as already one has scored, it got to reach its greater perfection the song of the Country This reputed international judge of Roller song director then of the magazine " Birds ", had been criador in his youth of the prestigious canary of Vich and as expert of the race she could not accept the denomination of stamped by several aspects:

1:) the timbres were not the basic turns of the old song of the Country rather on the contrary, those were the turns of noncontinuous rate of transmission that better they defined.

2:) the timbres defined in the Code of Song of the Spanish Timbrado one on which the name of the race was based, were in fact rollers, as soon as that were defined as turns of continuous rate; since in canaricultura of song, independently of the races, the concepts were such and the timbre was considered a turn of semicontinuous rate. Thus, it was not explained how, being known the concept timbre of the Roller song (klingel , the elaboradores of the Code of the Timbrado one were had separated of the same one, especially considering that stops to make this Code had taken like reference the one from the German race; processed by the Wolf German and who in referring to the scores one was based on the famous rule of the tridivisibilidad - also well-known like 3 - 6 - 9 -.

3:) was not Either in agreement with the stamped name of referred the peculiarity of the voice of the race, since, in its opinion, it limited the pitch registry of the same one and caused the transmission of songs in high tonalities, in contrast to the losses of the Roller canary which, besides to favor estridentes songs, absolutely characterized the old canaries of the Country

All these critics, possibly, had past inadvertent if it had not been, as more has already been indicated it arrives, by the discovery in Asturias of canaries whose type of song was recognized like the one of the primitive Spanish race. This, accompanied by the success that soon obtained the canaries Asturian between the Madrilenian criadores it caused that the controversy was revived, since the critics of Antonio Drove and Santiago Ruiz found a solid support to their theses on the authentic song of the canary of the Country

Soon, from Asturias voices like the one arose from Cayetano Tame Perez president of the A.o. " the Carbaysn " demanding a new denomination of the race: Spanish Singer on a par that denounced the situation of the Asturian canaries in the aids, before the injustices that a Code in that caused, paradoxicalally, they were not possible to be reflected, like Drove already denounced the wealth and the variety of the song of the genuine canaries of of the Country

All these critics were disregarded by the A.c.e. and the F.o.e. In 1962 the C.o.m. it recognized internationally to Timbrado Spanish at the request of the F.o.e. It is as of that moment where the confusion of the fans with respect to the origin of the name of the race begins, at least within the National Group of Birds

In the G.n.p. soon directives were marked of which it had to be the song of the Timbrado one very different from the followed ones by the criadores of the F.o.e. The opinions of Rico the Ruizes Drove and of more and more the important group of Asturian judges, headed by Rafael Martinez Bouzo caused that many concepts were reframed until then unquestionable; one of them was the name of the race. There it is where the present confusion was born on the stamped origin of, since, when not sharing that the timbres were the basic turns of the song of our canary, it was to inculcar to the fans, like bad minor, who the denomination had only and exclusively to the voice timbre

The thing would have remained thus, in the A.o.n.s. (name that adopted the G.n.p. in 1971), if it had not been by integration in the same one of the A.c.e. in 1972. The criadores and judges of the A.c.e. they were in charge, besides to defend his vision of how it had to be the song, to remember that they were those that they baptized to the race and that stamped also came from timbres.

The rest of history and its consequences are of surpluses known by all. Since then, the question of the name has be the favorite weapon of and others to justify its origin not only but what type of song is the genuine one of the Spanish Timbrado one In order to complicate the situation, people who, in their day, defended the positions of the A.c.e. now they say that stamped she must to the voice timbre; of the same form that there is who defended in the past that the timbres were not basic turns of the race and now they affirm all the opposite. The situation, far from clarifying by those who they directly lived the origin on the controversy, is entangled more. To whom to believe?

The certain thing is that, after throwing a look when iter followed by the question, there are some questions that do not let make the rounds by my head:

- If it were denominated stamped to our canary by the transmission of timbres, why it was not baptized to the race with the name of Timbrador One said that Timbrado it was to timbre which Roller to roller, but to anybody escapes that the translation of roller is rulador or, more correctly, rodador (not rulado or rolled), that is to say, that rula or rolls. Timbrado on the contrary, in the Castilian language, it means provided with a timbre of pleasant voice

- If the timbres were the turns that characterized song of the race, why the highest scores were not granted to them. Of between the timbres, so single the serious one it appeared with a valuation of 9 points, which is contrasentido if we consider that defended that the song had to be metalist (the consequent thing, according to the sight, had been to grant the greater score to the acute timbre, of the same form that takes control of the variation reigns of the Roller hollow roller - they hohrollen - .

- Taking from reference the Roller song why concepts take refook like valid and other no. Why the raised technical observations were not taken care of, in this sense, by prestigious judges of Roller like Drove

- Why they did not consider, on the part of the criadores of the A.c.e. the opinions which had known the canary of the Country directly in their time of greater apogee. They would not prioritize, as some denounced then, questions of interfederal rivalry.

Most of the raised questions they lack possible answer, is to the reader to whom it has left the herczlea task of, in views to the exposed facts, to draw his own conclusions. But the truely terrible thing of all this subject is that we continued discussing on subjects provoked fifty years ago. When it is not the name is the turns: that if timbres yes or timbres no; that if CHAUS and PIAUS yes or no; etc., etc., etc.. Instead of centering in looking for the more suitable governing lines to us to follow with the improvement of the race, empecinamos us in trying to undo all the walked one. For that reason we did not progress like we had, because we are immersed in a vicious circle that, throughout the time, has caused that the weak foundations that dreamed up in the Fifties favor that we always are sunk in a continuous discord.

The subject of the origin of the Timbrado denomination must serve the criador to see the sterile thing of controversies that the only thing that has done, does and will do is to destroy passed, present and future likings. It is surprising that, in spite of everything, our race is one of which more adept ones gain each season. Then the expansion imagmnese the reader that it would have if we did not pass most of the time discussing through and over memeces
